Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Small paintings

Over many years I have built up a collection of my small paintings.

They represent a daily diary of visual events, such as sunrises, storms, a brilliant sky, wild sea, or a striking silhouette against a twilight backdrop. I have used many of these studies to help in the creation of my larger paintings.

I intend to add to this collection on a daily, or near daily basis.


  1. Congratulations on the new blog. I'm very much looking forward to seeing the new paintings as they are uploaded. I'll be watching with interest.

  2. Let's get some comments happening here David!!!
    You know I adore your paintings. This one that heads your blog is exceptional!!! I believe I have seen this one IRL and like all your works, they capture the allure of the sea, the movement of the water. This one particularly featuring la luna piena is for me Heaven!
    I wish you every success with your small paintings blog.
    Tanti auguri!!!

  3. Thanks for your comments Amanda and Patricia,
    I have been so busy lately, with paintings going to Hong Kong, upcoming group exhibitions in Canberra and Melbourne I haven't had chance to upload images.
    But I have been building up a nice collection of small studies, all I need now is the time to photograph them and adjust the contrasts with photoshop.
    Hopefully in a few weeks....

  4. I can't wait to see more of these! Great blog idea..
